
💼 Just Because You Can Do a Job Does Not Mean You Should

· 2 mins read
When you are a one-person company you are kind of used to doing everything yourself. You wouldn't have gotten to where you are at unless you could wear many hats. When you are first starting out this is fine but once you start to experience success this can be a downfall because you waste your time doing remedial tasks. For example, I'm quite capable of running my own server and hosting WordPress, yet spending my time being a system admin does not help my business. If your business is making money and the cost of your using a service is less than what your time is worth then hire it out. Another less obvious example is housework. I calculated how much time I spend doing things like cleaning bathrooms, kitchens, etc... This valuable time adds up. Why not hire it out and use that extra time to spend with your family or work on your business. You cannot and should not do everything yourself or you'll quickly get overwhelmed. I'm still learning to let go of some task and hire it out but there's a part of me that want to just do it myself. It's the perfectionist in me I guess. I know though that ultimately to continue to grow I need to start delegating and learn to let go or else I'll always be a one-person company. What are some things you do to save time and become more efficient?

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